APKSocial Media

Facebook Metrics You Should Be Tracking

Social media and Facebook metrics are great tools for growing your business online.

  • Most shared posts
  • Most shared content
  • You can track your user’s location
  • Total number of link clicks
  • Click here to convert

Most shared posts

If you want to increase your social media followers for a bigger marketing pool, the most shared content is a crucial Facebook metric. To access the most shared content, you must first add social media analytics to your account. This can be done by either creating a new business account or converting an existing Facebook page to a business one.

Once you have the metrics dashboard you can track which content is most liked or shared. You can track the most shared content in your account to better understand your visitors’ needs. This information can guide you in creating new content.

Most shared content from your blog or website

A Facebook sharing code can be added to your website or blog. This will install a share button that allows your visitors to share your content directly from your website on Facebook. It provides vital data on which articles and content are most shared, providing insight into your audience’s preferences and most likely engagement with your content.

Facebook is not the only social media platform that is popular. You can also add social sharing buttons to other social media accounts, such as Instagram and Twitter.

The internet works like a funnel. People follow links to find the information they are looking for. It is important to have multiple social media accounts in order to reach the largest audience. The more links you have to your page, then the better. This will allow you to add the Facebook share button as well as other social sharing buttons.

You can track where your users are coming from

If you want to increase your online business accounts, another Facebook metric that you should track is where your users are coming in. This does not just refer to which social media platforms they found you on, but also where they live.

Understanding the countries and regions where your followers live will allow you to better understand them. It is crucial to understand your audience in order to grow your business.

To retain and attract new followers, create content that is tailored to their interests and needs.

Total link clicks

It is no secret that clicking the link provided by you is the best thing a user can ever do for you. Tracking the number of link clicks that each post receives is a great method to determine which posts were successful.

You can also see the total number of link clicks to get a better idea of how popular your posts are and what is the difference between each type of content. Sometimes, the content that gets the most clicks may not be as popular as the rest of the content. It is important to see the differences between them.

Click Conversion Rates

Let’s say your sole purpose for social media marketing is to promote your product or business. You want those highly sought-after link clicks to eventually lead to actions. If you have a link to a blog post that promotes a product, you want the statistics to show how many people converted and purchased your product.

Click conversion rates can help you see which calls to action work and which don’t.


If you want to increase your social media reach, it is crucial for business owners to know which Facebook metrics they should track and how to do so effectively. Social media marketing is free unless you use paid social media ads. So take advantage of this opportunity to increase your audience and learn how Facebook can help you grow your business to reach your goals.

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